Thursday, April 12, 2018

Raffle 2018

We have started a RAFFLE to get donations going this year. At shows, or snail mail. At shows. tickets $2.00 a piece. 3 tickets $5.00. 6 tickets $10.00. 13 tickets $20.00 Tickets tax deduction unless prize more than value than paid for tickets. Snail Mail, same cost and number of tickets as stated above.
 Questions, bigger number of tickets and discount Call Randy"Hoss"Caldwell 717-606-5176
All monies go to Lloyds Rides,Inc. to STOP PTSD SUICIDES!
For raffle, you can also send Check to - lloydsrides - 1066 Blairton Court - Manheim,Pa. 17545 - For Check, write  on LLR raffle, number of tickets bought. - Make check out to Lloyds Rides,Inc. - Your snail mail address must be on check. I will deposit check and send tickets to you. 
If you want to make donation to LLoyds Rides,Inc. but no raffle tickets, mail check to
BB&T Bank- 2 Market Square - Manheim,Pa. 17545 - make check payable to Lloyds Rides,Inc. All donations, tax deductible.
I will get a credit/debit card reader soon. At shows you can use your card.

1500 Bikes!
Meet LLoyd, my Father, fixing GOD'S hot rods & bikes since 1983.
Yes I got my love of hot rods and bikes from him!
Our second son, Jeff has same infection we have.
Hot Rod & Bike Complications!!  :-)

Top end way over 200Mph!