Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Well I must rave again.

Yes this blog I started to share my "ravings" with you. I also love motorcycles, and hot rods, so I put them here so you can see what we have in the Susquehanna Valley of south eastern Pennsylvania. I will post more about our Amish community, so you can see the real people, not the lies on the TV shows. They are just for shock value to get viewers.

The plain people are a great band of religious people. They prosper here, and work hard to make a good life for their rather large families. More to follow. If you want to see an earlier sample of the plain people Hollywood style, see the movie Witness starring Harrison Ford. It is about 80% true to the plain lifestyle.

To get a real feel for our culture of the plain people you should visit Lancaster County and see their real way of life first hand.

Thank you, Randy "Hoss" Caldwell

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