Wednesday, November 7, 2018

If you U C Something !

If you see something, say something! We cannot let the IDIOTS get away with anything more. If you see something lying there, package, or backpack, DO NOT TOUCH, call 911. The police would rather investigate a false alarm than have something explode and hurt or kill a lot of people.

Three years ago I called 911 about a big blanket piled up in the middle of the road. It was just on the downside of a small hill. I knew if I parked and got out to move it, I could be hit by an oncoming car. I put my car at  the  top of the hill, with my car about 3 feet in the lane with my flashers on.

I walk with a cane and have trouble walking. The people when they saw the blockage in the middle of the roadway were able to pass around it. The officer was there in about 2 minutes. He kicked it, and found nothing. He got rid of it, and waved to me. I saw, I did!

We must reclaim our sense of duty to help our fellow citizens to be  aware of our surroundings. I am bi-polar, my mind goes a million miles a minute. When I drive or ride my motorcycle I am working my eyes left and right constantly. I  see what is passing by. I notice things most people do not. I hope this is not bad. I see what is in front of me each time my eyes are pointing front.

When I played computer games with the kids, I always did better when I went faster and faster. If you are bi-polar, let me know how you are doing.  My E-Mail is  I always did my homework better with the TV on. Now I have the TV on at my computer desk on while I type. I am going to donate my body when I die. I want more work done on bi-polar people so Doctors understand it better.

Being Bi-Polar is a blessing; or a curse. I can do 4 or 5 things at a time. I interrupt when someone is talking to me. I think of things differently than normal people. What ever normal is? I am upset when people with money will not help those who do not. Mary and I have put almost $4,000 into our Charity. We are both 70, on fixed income, but we manage to always find money for needy causes. Marcy who does all my computer work doesn't need a pat on the back either. I write this, she makes me look smart by correcting my mistakes.

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