Wednesday, September 17, 2014

ME and my NOMAD!

Thank you LORD for making fold up canes that fit in my saddle bag, so this old handicapped biker can walk when I get to my destination!  LOL

I will be at all the local hot rod and bike gatherings  to put in this blog, so shut-ins can still view the local gatherings, event though they can not get there anymore! 

To sign up to give a ride, or to get a ride send your info to:

Thank you for "Making Their Day!"  GOD BLESS you!

Yes since my accident, every time I am in the saddle, the brain bucket is on my head!!

This is the helmet I had on when that guy tried to run over me! I high sided the bike, I was only doing about ten miles per hour and was thrown about thirty feet and landed head first in the middle lane of Route 501! A three lane highway in Lititz, I was laying just over the crest of the hill. I was lucky, enough people stopped the cars from running over me. You can see from the hole in the left side, I would not be alive today but for the protection of my helmet! I know it is nicer, especially in hot weather to not wear a helmet. BUT guys, what is your LIFE WORTH?!

Thank you LORD for the ANGEL that has been watching over me for these 66 Years. Please keep HER on duty, at least for many years yet. YOU keep giving me new assignments. I need all the help I can get in these living years.  YOUR FAITHFUL MINION!

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