Saturday, September 6, 2014

Rheems Fire Co. CARS!!

I handed out over 60 of my business cards, talking to people about my charity of getting people with mental disabilities rides in hot rods! They all liked my idea. I am feeling great that my idea is well taken. I know I am on the right path. THE LORD knows what HE is doing, even though he chose me to carry it out. LOL

I am going to Ephrata Legion tomorrow, the first sunday of sept. to see the bikes. I will talk to a lot of people about getting cycle rides for the people too. I am getting exited about my charity.

I have an interview with Mr. Young, the Manheim attorney to see what I need to do to set up my charity. And I also asked Randy Brandt, a great first name (LOL) a CPA about setting up an account to control the money I will collect.    

The secret to getting ahead is to get started, and my golly, I am getting STARTED by Devine intervention!!  THE LORD is using me again and this time I am not going to take so long to do it!!    

The CARS!! The Elizabethtown Lions were receptive to my charity, even handing out my cards. By golly, I finally know what I am doing with having my big mouth, it is to help me recruit others to help in HIS WORK!

This is the equipment that the car show is helping to buy. Thank you hot rod people!!

And a big thank you to the e-town Lions club, they liked my charity idea, and handed our my cards to get people to my blog to find out about my charity! The smell of the great chicken was so over fantastic my son-in-law Rich and grandson Kyler had to dash home and get some money to get some!!

This is the car of the Lady that said I need to get my charity in the Cruise News to reach all the hot rodders. See I am just a country bumpkin, I have to get smart people to help ME!  And everybody there said they are interested in helping to make mentally challenged people,"MAKE THEIR DAY" WITH A RIDE!

This Super Bird is the second Daytona car I have found in Lancaster County. Pennsylvania Dutch hot rodders are the best!!

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