THE LORD does not speak to me in a calm voice, he knows I need yelled at to respond. Sometimes he must hammer it into my thick skull!! When he was telling me to help out at Oasis Youth Services 25 years ago, I resisted for 2 years. HE kept hammering away, HE never quits either! When I finally went down and talked to Pastor Jim I told him I was hashing over seeing him for 2 years. He laughed, and said"well I was praying for two years for someone like you!"
This time it was a lot faster! I talked to car nut and his mom on Friday night. It was on Saturday when HE hit me with the GRAND IDEA to start Lloyd's Rides. It did not take me long this time. I guess the chute was greased from before, and HE just sneaked the thought past my thick scull this time easier! I did not try to fight it this time, I learned from before to do what I am told! Just like with Mary, I know it is easier to follow directions. You can say I am housebroken NOW! LOL
Since we had to cut back on the cable, just the local channels, I have more time to spend on this computer. I kinda think HE designed that to help me work more efficient. Not so many breaks to watch the BOOB TUBE.
Thank you, Randy "Hoss" Caldwell
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