Thursday, October 4, 2018

Mary changes her mind, Can women do that????

Vicki and I dated. She would not drive the 20 miles to my place. I paid for everything. One holiday she had me up, and her mom cooked the meal. I brought a bottle of wine. Later that night we were making out on the couch, her parents were in bed. Her mom yelled down at 12:00 midnight, come to bed. I left. Her mom did not want her to go to the shore with me. She was afraid we could go too far. She told her mom, "That could happen here", but it did not. Vicki's mom had too  tight a grip on a 22 year old girl.

Before I knew it, it was Thanksgiving again. Donna (Jon) and Jim had a party again. Jon called 3 times to make sure I come to the party. I figured Mary would bring her new boyfriend to show me up. I stopped in late. As usual I had a number of beers before I arrived.

Jon answered  the door. The stuffed chair was in the middle of the room. She led me to it, sit here, Jim is fixing your drink she said. Jon went in the bedroom. The people gathered between me and the bedroom door. Guess who came through the crowd, sat on my lap and very slowly pressed her lips to mine. We talked, her on my lap, like last year. She said she moved down here and is attending Millersville to teach RN medicine to qualify nurses. "What are you doing tomorrow night?" I was so high they had to scrape me off the ceiling, and it was not the booze.

Mary and I renewed our relationship. I was seeing Vicky every other weekend before Mary came back. Now Mary and I were getting serious. I did not want to string Vicky along. I told her the next time I saw her. She got mad and yelled at me. "I knew it, you always talked about her." I told Vicky I was sorry, Mary and I were serious. She said, "I still want to see you".

I told her that would not be a good way to breakup. She cried and ran into her house. I did not want to hurt her, but she was tied too tight to her mom for me. She had to check with her mom for everything we did. We only dated 4 months, and I did not promise her anything. I learned from the mistake I made with Mary!

Two weeks before Christmas Mary and I went shopping, came back to her apartment and took a nap in her single bed. YES all we did was sleep!! When we woke up in each other's arms, I said we ought to get married. She said, I always wanted to get married on May 20th. And that year May 20th was a Saturday. How did she know??

We went to dinner and movie New Year's eve with Ed and Ruthie, and Jim and Donna. We were driving around till The ball dropped. Ruthie and Donna fixed it so Mary and I were side by side. We listened to the radio, at 12:00 Mary and I kissed. The others applauded us. They knew they were the reason we got married.

Years later we had dinner with Ruthie and Ed, before they moved to Florida. I hugged Ruthie, I told her, thank you for giving me Mary. I think Ed was more teary eyed than Ruthie.

Oh, by the way my Heart healed. After Laura was born, Mary said that not long after she left she had called Donna and told her leaving me was the biggest mistake she ever made. She said they schemed and connived to get us back together.

If you are pining over a breakup, maybe you need some alone time like Mary and me. You realize what you lost, and work hard to get it back. Unfortunately Jim and Donna divorced after 10 years and one girl. Jim married again, had a son. Donna still looking! It happens a lot, the Man marries again, the woman stays single. May 20, 2018 it will be 46 years that Mary has put up with me.

Now we have two dogs. I keep using my high pitch pretend voice, "Mom!  Dad's grabbing my tail. Mom! Dad's grabbing my ears".

The 18 year old granddaughter likes Sophie's long snout. She calls it a snoot, and calls her Snooter. And yes, "Mom, Dad's grabbing my snoot!!!!" Mary never gets tired of hearing that. At least she has not strangled me yet.

When I talk about doing something stupid, she says, "Wanna sleep in the kids playhouse again?!!" When she says that I learned to shut up. I may be Dumb, but I am not Stupid!!!!

Wedding at 8:45 at night? Later.

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