Yes tomorrow it marks 42 years since we built the foundation for our great life adventure. It hardly seems like it has been that long we have traveled thru time together. Where did all those wonderful years slip away to. I cannot believe I will, in two months be 66 years old. I don't feel like an old retired handicapped, old fart. When I look in the mirror, I see a ball headed dude who still looks familiar. And Mary does not look that much different than the day I grabbed her in Jim's and Donna's kitchen and we locked lips for the first time. Is it really that long?
Yes when I get up from my chair and my left knee wrenches me with pain, and the three bones in my spine that are giving me pain from an old injury, I realize I have a lot miles on this body! I did not take the best care of this body when aging. I did a lot of heavy lifting at work all these years. Just like Mary, time has taken its toll on our bodies.
The motorcycle accident in 2002 did me no favors. Do I think about the guy who left me laying in the middle of the road when he took off, I feel sorry for him. He will not treat anyone good. He will not have as good a life as Mary and I have and will continue to have! People who treat others bad, will not have a life that satisfies.
Yes when I get up from my chair and my left knee wrenches me with pain, and the three bones in my spine that are giving me pain from an old injury, I realize I have a lot miles on this body! I did not take the best care of this body when aging. I did a lot of heavy lifting at work all these years. Just like Mary, time has taken its toll on our bodies.
The motorcycle accident in 2002 did me no favors. Do I think about the guy who left me laying in the middle of the road when he took off, I feel sorry for him. He will not treat anyone good. He will not have as good a life as Mary and I have and will continue to have! People who treat others bad, will not have a life that satisfies.
May 20, the day we were married was the Lancaster Sertoma chicken barbecue. It is tomorrow it is held again, like always the third Saturday in May every year. It is in the book of world records as the largest public barbecue fund raiser held. It keeps longs park in business and free to the people of Lancaster. Mary said she always dreamed of getting married May 20. Thank you LORD for making her dream come true.
Mary is on a date with a handsome young man for lunch! Am I jealous. NO! Our older son Tim took her to lunch for Mother Day. I told you we raised great children. They are hard working, and have compassion for others. The only thing you leave from these living years is the people you touched with your kindness and help. Mary and I have touched a lot of lives. It is satisfying to see the legacy we leave behind.
It is not the outside riches, but the inside riches that produce happiness. That was my fortune cookie from my daughter Laura buying us a Chinese dinner several months ago. I will take Mary and Laura yard selling tonight and tomorrow morning so they do not have to walk so far. And keep Kyler our three year old grandson under as much control as I can. Mary's heel still makes her limp. I hope we can get the problem resolved so she is not in so much constant pain.
That is my job to be hurting all the time! It is my constant reminder that I am still alive. I check the paper every morning, and if I do not show up in the obituary column I know this will be a good day. You young whipper snappers will learn you will check the paper every day when you get old to see how many of your friends bit the dust! When you are young you go to a lot of weddings, a happy time. When you are our age, it is a lot of funerals. Not a happy time except when you realize it is not your funeral. but a time for thanking THE LORD we are still alive.
It is not the outside riches, but the inside riches that produce happiness. That was my fortune cookie from my daughter Laura buying us a Chinese dinner several months ago. I will take Mary and Laura yard selling tonight and tomorrow morning so they do not have to walk so far. And keep Kyler our three year old grandson under as much control as I can. Mary's heel still makes her limp. I hope we can get the problem resolved so she is not in so much constant pain.
That is my job to be hurting all the time! It is my constant reminder that I am still alive. I check the paper every morning, and if I do not show up in the obituary column I know this will be a good day. You young whipper snappers will learn you will check the paper every day when you get old to see how many of your friends bit the dust! When you are young you go to a lot of weddings, a happy time. When you are our age, it is a lot of funerals. Not a happy time except when you realize it is not your funeral. but a time for thanking THE LORD we are still alive.
Yes I thank THE LORD a lot. I pray to heal friends from all the suffering inflicted on us at this age. To take care of all who need HIS help and guidance. And to give me strength so I can help others, like Bruce who are a lot less fortunate than we are.
Yes this thing we call life has been a great adventure for Mary and me. We are not ready to give it up. I have too much helping to do yet. Helping people down and out. Helping people to elevate their position in the financial part of their life. And helping my grandchildren develop the same look to life that we taught our children. To be compassionate and help others in life. I hope our legacy of helping others carries thru coming generations. Our parents are proud of their heritage we carry forward.
The only thing we leave on this earth is the goodness we have shared and the seeds we planted, our children. Let's make both of them a legacy we can be proud to talk about in heaven.
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