How about that, 200 pages in just several months. I deleted about 10 pages because I did not like them after I published them. I like everything I put out to make sense. And that can be hard for this feeble mind.
I like to talk, I guess you have figured that out by now. Most of what is pushed out of my old brain is meaningful, at least that is what I am trying for. I want to enlighten you, make you laugh, and I hope give you some advice on getting through these living years still breathing. I also love to tell you about the great business I have stumbled across. It is no doubt the best move I have made.
I like to talk, I guess you have figured that out by now. Most of what is pushed out of my old brain is meaningful, at least that is what I am trying for. I want to enlighten you, make you laugh, and I hope give you some advice on getting through these living years still breathing. I also love to tell you about the great business I have stumbled across. It is no doubt the best move I have made.
I want you to be as happy and prosperous as I am becoming. Yes, I am exited about life. Even though the Golden Years are not pain free, you can enjoy life as you never have before. I like being home, doing my part time work. Either fighting Mother Nature's weather dilemmas, or enjoying time with Mary, just doing what ever we want to. We worked hard all our life, ran the kids to all their functions, and made it this far. We deserve the time we have left. I just hope we get more of this great time in our lives.
Mary will be getting up soon, to get ready for another night of work. I will join her in a coffee as I usually do. I know a lot of my pages are sarcastic, but I believe in telling life like I see it. There is so many lying people on the net today, at least here I believe in telling you the truth, as I know it! Yes this is 200 pages of information,and my views of life. I hope you have found something you like. I hope you get the thrill out of life that I do every day. Every new day is another chance to change your life for the better!
The only limits in your life are the ones you create in your mind. Don't let your limits hold you back another day! Be free to run your own life!
The only limits in your life are the ones you create in your mind. Don't let your limits hold you back another day! Be free to run your own life!
congratulations on your 200th blog post!