No talk about a wild party this time, Mary is suffering in the hospital, and I am suffering at home thinking of her in constant pain! No smart remarks will make me feel better today. When the one you cherish is hurting,you are hurting too. I said in my other page this is a new experience for me to be on the other side of a bad adventure in pain.
When we had the three kids the pain Mary felt was calculated, we knew it would be over, and be worth the trouble. Even when we lost the baby, we learned to accept the fact because Not everything is a sure thing.
I hardly slept last night, because I knew Mary would have a hard time settling down to sleep. I regard the doctors and nurses as GOD'S angels, I Told them so last night. But when they are doing their jobs, it can be annoying when you are hurting and trying to sleep, and they are trying to keep you alive.
When Mary threw me out, when I left I saw the lady in charge of the shift and told her how everyone worked hard to help us. I told her to praise them for the way they took care of Mary, and especially me.
When we had the three kids the pain Mary felt was calculated, we knew it would be over, and be worth the trouble. Even when we lost the baby, we learned to accept the fact because Not everything is a sure thing.
I hardly slept last night, because I knew Mary would have a hard time settling down to sleep. I regard the doctors and nurses as GOD'S angels, I Told them so last night. But when they are doing their jobs, it can be annoying when you are hurting and trying to sleep, and they are trying to keep you alive.
When Mary threw me out, when I left I saw the lady in charge of the shift and told her how everyone worked hard to help us. I told her to praise them for the way they took care of Mary, and especially me.
When you hit our age in life, and everything hurts, you get used to the small everyday hurts. But when the person you have spent the bulk of your life with is hurting, and you can do nothing to help them you realize how venerable the human body is. I am over six foot tall, and close to three hundred pounds most of my life. I am afraid of no man.
But watching my wife suffer last night is like when the kids were young and in pain. You realize there is nothing you can do to help them. You realize how worthless all the male macho is in this situation. Maybe I can rip a phone book in half, but helping a loved one not suffer is beyond my capabilities. I cannot beat up pain and knock it out of my loved ones body! I am helpless, and that scares the heck out of me.
But watching my wife suffer last night is like when the kids were young and in pain. You realize there is nothing you can do to help them. You realize how worthless all the male macho is in this situation. Maybe I can rip a phone book in half, but helping a loved one not suffer is beyond my capabilities. I cannot beat up pain and knock it out of my loved ones body! I am helpless, and that scares the heck out of me.
Reflecting on the actions I have taken to be on the other side of a loved one in trouble has given me a new look on life. Even when I was young, muscular and had all my hair, I could not fight the destiny of bad actions landing a person in the hospital. Even the not bad actions like having my appendix out at the age of thirteen was a learning experience for me. I will keep learning till I take my last breath.
And my friend who had the strokes that changed his life, I am learning from that, it may be me in years to come. There are no guarantees in life, just learning experiences. Life is a gift, unwrap and enjoy it! You never know how long these living years will be here for you. Don't waste them! Spend time with your loved ones before it is too late. No one on their dying bed said, I wish I had spent more time at work! Learn from their mistakes!
Thank you Randy "Hoss" Caldwell (a male who is still learning!)
And my friend who had the strokes that changed his life, I am learning from that, it may be me in years to come. There are no guarantees in life, just learning experiences. Life is a gift, unwrap and enjoy it! You never know how long these living years will be here for you. Don't waste them! Spend time with your loved ones before it is too late. No one on their dying bed said, I wish I had spent more time at work! Learn from their mistakes!
Thank you Randy "Hoss" Caldwell (a male who is still learning!)
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