As sure as I am that I will never give up, that hard headed attitude can sometimes come back to bite you.
I lost a battle with gravity Monday at five AM. Since my motorcycle accident about ten years ago, yes the guy that tried to run over me, and never stuck around to see if I was still alive. (Since he did not hit me I guess he did not feel responsible.) Anyway, I have a problem keeping my balance, especially when I close my eyes. I have trouble on a ladder too.
At 5 AM I decided to call it a night and get some sleep. I wear bib overalls because I have a hernia from my stomach stapling and a belt feels uncomfortable. When I tried to step out of my overalls one leg at a time standing on one foot I lost my balance and bounced off the dresser and headed for the floor. On the way down I scraped the plastic trash can with my right forearm, the one I have a titanium shoulder socket in. I have about a six inch gouge halfway between my hand and elbow.
I was stunned and felt stupid for not listening to my wife about sitting on the bed when I change my clothes. Luckily she was home that night because I was bleeding a good bit. She washed my gouge, put the flap back in place and wrapped me up. Luckily she is a registered nurse, because over the 42 years we have been together she has had to wrap up my mistakes many times.
It is good to be hard headed and stick to your guns, just know when to give in and listen to a second opinion. Sometimes it is better to run and fight another day. I found out from experience!
Yes, we had four inches of snow Sunday night, but it got warm and melted. We had another six inches last night. I got to use my tractor for the first time in two years. Helped my neighbor that has been doing my driveway. His snow blower was not working right.
Spread some sand on my hill of a driveway, and will check it for ice when my wife leaves for work at nine tonight. I set my alarm for five in the morning when she works and check for ice so she can get up the driveway at six AM. Felt good doing my share of the snow plowing again. Makes me feel useful again.
Well, check back and see how I am changing my behavior, hopefully no new incidents to talk about. Remember keep a positive attitude! If I can with all that has happened to me over the years, you can too.
Will talk again, everyone says I like to talk, and they are right!
Randy Caldwell
Glad to hear you are okay, Randy. Being hard-headed is usually a good thing, but having a hard head doesn't help much when every place else on the body hits something first in a fall! Tell your patient wife Thanks! from all of us!