I know I felt like that when I was young. At eighteen years old nothing can hurt you, and you will live forever! How wrong can we be. I am lucky I survived my early years. A lot of my friends were not so lucky! When you need medical help you or some innocent bystander will call 911 and the ambulance arrives to scoop what is left of you to take to the hospital. I know it happened to me several times. Yes I don't need no stinkin help! Except the time my motorcycle accident occurred in 2002 when I was laying in the middle lane of a three lane highway just over the crest of a hill. I was lucky enough people stopped so no one ran over me. I was glad for the help of the two women medics that cut my clothes off to check if I had bad injuries. Or the people in the hospital who put me in the machines that looked at the inside of my body to see what was broken or damaged. Yes we all need help sometime. For medical emergencies we need help from dialing 911 to get medical help.
Especially with all the cell phones in use now, and no phone book to carry with us it is nice to have 411 to call to get us a phone number when we need it. You can get help faster with all the people having cell phones today. I'm sure when my motorcycle accident happened someone called from a cell phone and got the ambulance there faster. In the ambulance I woke up for a few seconds and told the medic Mary's phone number. I said she is an RN so tell her how I am. I blacked out again. I didn't want Mary to worry about me, but I am sure she did.
The last number I have to tell you about is the United Way help number. It is 211 for financial help. If you are having trouble paying bills especially for heat over winter they will tell you who to call. They have an abundance of helpful agencies to make you feel better, and give you the help you need. If you are troubled and need help they will talk you thru the many places you can get help! Do not be afraid to get help when you need it. Since my accident I realize sometimes you need help. Lastnight after the snow stopped I did my driveway, circle and Carl and Kevin's driveways. Both my neighbors helped me with snow removal when I needed help. Kevin yelled thank you when he came home and I was shoveling my sidewalk. I said, hey you helped me when I needed it. And I will need help sometime again. It's good to know we help each other when we need it! If you dial 211 any where in the 50 states it will hook you up to your local United Way.
Medical help 911
Phone number informaton 411
any other help 211
Remember these numbers when you need help. They will be there to offer assistance!
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