Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The calm before the storm!

Yes I am waiting for the snow again. This is the worst part of the problem of fighting Mother Nature. When she strikes and I swing into action, I am not excited about the battle, I just do it. Waiting for anything is not my best way of handling any problem. My three year old grandson is the same way. Mary tells him to put his patience pants on when he gets like me. I know he gets it from me. So I cannot say much when something happens, because I feel the same way. I have no patience when I must wait. Especially when I am waiting for Mary outside the store in the car. I must admit I have gotten a little bit better with age. Just a little bit!

Waiting for something is worse than having it happen! You get all worked up, and might throw a fit that is worse than the problem. I know from experience worrying hurts you more than the problem itself. My mother was a worrier. She would get physically sick from worry. I saw it many times. I do not worry that bad, just enough to get my excessive obsessive behavior started. I must do things several times to get it off my chest! Check and recheck till I have done the same thing many times just to be sure it is O.K. It is not as bad as when I was younger, but it is still there. Old habits die hard. Since I have my businesses to keep me busy I do not repeat my habits as much as I did two years ago. But they are still in the back of my head. If you do not hear from me in a while, probably some shrink read my blog and put me under observation to make sure I am not dangerous. LOL

Yes writing this blog helps me get a lot of things off my chest. I thank Marcy many times for getting me started writing these posts to get my mind under control. My bi-polar has my mind going a mile a minute, and this blog helps to keep me sane. I think! Yes I do feel better each time I am done writing. I spend a lot of time promoting my businesses, and I am not thinking about my handicap, or not being able to handle a job outside the home. I feel useful again. When I was forced into early retirement I was really down and felt worthless. I feel better now, I am making money from home, and producing again. I feel alive again. And I will not let myself get depressed again. I have too much to live for to feel sorry for myself again. I am most of the time on my manic swing now. I do not have time to get depressed and I will not, again! Well Marcy, this is post number 99. I cannot believe I have written 99 posts in the short time I have been working on my blog. You knew what I needed to get  me fired up. I thank you for keeping me going. 2014 is going to be a great year for all of us. I know it! And of course thank you Lord for watching over all of us. Keep us safe and help all of us to do what is right in your eyes. We need you, even though so many are trying to shut you out of our lives.

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