Yes I am Raving again! It was over fifty degrees outside today. Our florida room was 72 degrees from all the sun hitting the big windows all round the room. I even washed the mini-van to get all the salt off and get ready for the next snow this week. We are suppose to get the polar cold too. I am ready for whatever Mother has in mind for us. I have seen the invisible all my life. The playhouse you saw in my last post was built from the blueprints in my mind. When I have it plotted out in my feeble brain, I can build it. I have always looked ahead in time to see the finished product when I am doing something. When I was trouble shooting a piece of equipment for work, as long as I had it in my mind how it worked I could fix it. I can't explain how my mind works, it has been that way as long as I can remember. Marcy you picked a good brain to work with. I just sit here at the keyboard and the post comes to me. Kinda scary when I think of it. Things I see along the road when I am driving give me ideas for a post. Well I made it all these years as an oddball mind so I figure I am not dangerous. My bi-polar gives me good ideas. Sometimes I question my sanity; occasionally it replies, mostly in a good way. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. Congress you say? Yes I know the voices in my head are not real; But they have some great ideas! The voices have done me good over the years!
Looking for the invisible has helped me over the years. Mary sees them too. That is why we have built so many good projects over the years. What I can't see, Mary does. I still say When I was a kid; no wait I still do that. I guess that is enough of my good laugh lines for now.
Mother will throw more storms at us, and we will fight them. We like living here, and will put up with what ever happens. We will survive and flourish. As long as I do not fall in the driveway again.
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