I had a boss tell me that years ago. He wanted me to wear a pager so he could contact me right away and not spend time hunting me at a big plant that covered a lot of ground. He said his time was more valuable than mine. He was a retired naval aviator, and real stuck up. He treated everyone like that. He thought he owned the world and we should worship the ground he walked on. Needless to say everyone hated him and gave him a hard time. There a lot of people in this world like him. They feel they are above the laws of the land. Most of them get caught eventually and pay for their mistakes. Some get away with their games for years.
I try hard to not be like that. We are not better than someone else. I try to be good to everyone and treat them the same. It is hard to do. You favor people who do for you. I did not save my post when I left this blog and lost what I had written. That is how we learn unfortunately, I will not do that again. I hope my new writing is better than the first time. My writing I lost was probably not good enough, so I must do it over! Live and learn.
I was talking with a friend years later after I settled down and said I wish I had not been so crazy when I was single, and he said yeah Hoss, but you would not have such great memories. I am just glad the Lord watched over me and I am still here. All the mistakes I made over my life time are now memories and if I don't write them down they will be gone in a few years when I am. I want my followers, family to learn from my mistakes so they don't have to repeat them. But alas, they will have to make their own mistakes before they go thru their own learning cycle. I had to make my own before it sank into my feeble mind. I quess that is the same for everyone in history. We learn by doing. Unfortunately that is pain to engrave on your mind so you will remember. Some we do not impress so great, and repeat the same mistakes again! That is human frailties and we never seem to learn.
Alas I am on the soapbox again, and ramble on. I wish my following family I could save them some pain, but the human mind needs stimulus to learn. We must go thru it ourselves and learn the hard truth so we remember it. History does repeat itself, we go on and fix up what we broke and carry on! We learn the hard facts of life, no matter how often. Just hoping the next lesson is not so painful as the last. I look to the Lord for guidance and the helping hand to do no wrong. I ask for His help every day. I know I need it. I am just a lowly man, and need His help often!
I am taking Bruce to the Doctor in three hours, he says I am a good friend. I know he needs help, and I am available. It would be easier to just say no, but people need help just like I did a lot of times in my life. Why should I not help someone else when they need it. I will need help again before I leave these living years. It is just paying it forward so I have some credits when I need them. Besides it feels so good to help someone else instead of being selfish and saying no. There are too many selfish people in this world anyway. I want to show the world there are good people that outnumber the bad. Pay some of your goodness ahead and help others. When you meet your maker you will be glad you did.
Well is my rewrite up to your satisfaction. It is different than I did it the first time. I know now it was not right before, that is why I have to do it over. In His wisdom he is guiding my hand in everything I do. YES HE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN I AM! I just needed to write this over to know it. Thank you LORD for showing me what I knew all along. I just needed it burned into my brain! Again!
I try hard to not be like that. We are not better than someone else. I try to be good to everyone and treat them the same. It is hard to do. You favor people who do for you. I did not save my post when I left this blog and lost what I had written. That is how we learn unfortunately, I will not do that again. I hope my new writing is better than the first time. My writing I lost was probably not good enough, so I must do it over! Live and learn.
I was talking with a friend years later after I settled down and said I wish I had not been so crazy when I was single, and he said yeah Hoss, but you would not have such great memories. I am just glad the Lord watched over me and I am still here. All the mistakes I made over my life time are now memories and if I don't write them down they will be gone in a few years when I am. I want my followers, family to learn from my mistakes so they don't have to repeat them. But alas, they will have to make their own mistakes before they go thru their own learning cycle. I had to make my own before it sank into my feeble mind. I quess that is the same for everyone in history. We learn by doing. Unfortunately that is pain to engrave on your mind so you will remember. Some we do not impress so great, and repeat the same mistakes again! That is human frailties and we never seem to learn.
Alas I am on the soapbox again, and ramble on. I wish my following family I could save them some pain, but the human mind needs stimulus to learn. We must go thru it ourselves and learn the hard truth so we remember it. History does repeat itself, we go on and fix up what we broke and carry on! We learn the hard facts of life, no matter how often. Just hoping the next lesson is not so painful as the last. I look to the Lord for guidance and the helping hand to do no wrong. I ask for His help every day. I know I need it. I am just a lowly man, and need His help often!
I am taking Bruce to the Doctor in three hours, he says I am a good friend. I know he needs help, and I am available. It would be easier to just say no, but people need help just like I did a lot of times in my life. Why should I not help someone else when they need it. I will need help again before I leave these living years. It is just paying it forward so I have some credits when I need them. Besides it feels so good to help someone else instead of being selfish and saying no. There are too many selfish people in this world anyway. I want to show the world there are good people that outnumber the bad. Pay some of your goodness ahead and help others. When you meet your maker you will be glad you did.
Well is my rewrite up to your satisfaction. It is different than I did it the first time. I know now it was not right before, that is why I have to do it over. In His wisdom he is guiding my hand in everything I do. YES HE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN I AM! I just needed to write this over to know it. Thank you LORD for showing me what I knew all along. I just needed it burned into my brain! Again!
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