I believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the easter bunny, because I have helped all of them to do their jobs. I believe in doing my job to the best of my ability. I believe in a benevolent GOD and in his son Jesus Christ. Even though I have never actually seen them, I know they exist. I have felt the Lords help when I needed it. Even when I was mad at him for taking my Father from his living years. It took me a long time to understand death. Now that I am facing it more every day I am here on this earth. It gets closer every year and I am not afraid of it. Death is a part of our lives. We are born, we learn about life, get old and pass on to another plane. I will see my father again. And that makes me happy. I just am not ready to meet him quite yet! I am not thru with my living years.
As I get older I believe in a lot more ideas that when I was younger. I believe GOD created more than one world, but I am not sure how many. I believe GOD'S great experiment is not his only one. I am not sure why I believe this, but I believe it, not knowing where or when his other worlds are. I believe I am on this earth to help others improve their lives. That is why when I had my electric business I gave a lot of time and money to the local youth center. We need to educate our kids so they grow up to be productive responsible adults.That is why Mary and I do so much for our kids, and their kids. Guide them to help others and be good people. Our children will do like we have shown them. We mold their minds when they are watching us as they grow up.
This is my family I am working so hard to help prosper. My older boy Tim
and his new wife Sarah's wedding. About two years ago.
I am really proud of my whole family and how they turned out. They all work hard, and help others a lot. They follow in Mary's and my learnings about life. I hope Mary and I continue in the living years to see them all mature and live their lives. I believe Mary and I have created a good foundation for them all to grow up to be good parents themselves. We have worked hard, and the good work shows in our kids! And their kids too. I believe if I leave the living years tomorrow I will be greeted in heaven that I have done good, most of the time. Just a few slip-ups! Thank you LORD for helping us raise good young people. Keep us on the right track. And now that we are approaching retirement help us to stay in good enough health so we can enjoy the living years we have left. AMEN
Let me know what you think of what I believe, I welcome comments. Let me know what you believe?
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