Where have I heard that line, (LIE) before! Us guys hate to ask directions on the road, read directions while assembling something or ask for help. Not because we believe we know what we are doing. Because we hate to look stupid. That of course makes us look more stupid. But ladies it is in the genes. I don't mind asking for directions when I am lost, but hate to read directions till I have screwed something up. I have done pretty good over the years, not ruining too many things till I gave in and read the directions. Now in my later years the wisdom I acquired over the many years of struggling and having screwed a few things up have sunk in my thick scull.
I don't ride the motorcycle without my helmet. I google a place I plan to visit if I don't know the way. I prefer to have Mary along to read the directions for me to make sure I follow them right! I don't move the car without my or anyone else in the cars seat belt fastened. And if I'm not sure how to put something together, I skim over the directions before I start putting it together.
The last two years I was afraid to take the motorcycle out for a ride. It is one of the few adrenaline producing times I have left. I'm not sure why. I worried I'd find another idiot like the guy who tried to kill me, and took off. I took the bike for inspection, even though that errand was where I met the idiot and almost left my living years. That I did so my son could ride my bike. I will not let any more of my precious time slip away without my riding taking up a lot of my time now! I have changed this last year since I started my Jerky Direct business, and found the team. Going on the weekly calls charges up my battery, the team kids me about charging up their batteries too. I know I like to talk, and like Rob says, I think outside the box. I am manic depressive, my mind is going a mile a minute. This blog is really good for me, it keeps my wondering brain busy.
Yes some of the ideas I come up with are good, at least that's what the team tells me. And the team needs a good laugh now and then. I can supply the laugh, I have a lot of material to tell them. I did not have the money for insurance this fall. Jeff was in North Carolina so he and Heather could not ride the bike, and I had it inspected so I let it lapse. I will pick it up again in the spring, and I will ride it, believe me. I will not let some jerk who does not know how to drive scare me away from my passion again. Mary tells me when I am down to go ride the motorcycle ( I don't have a kite) so I will ride the motorcycle. I will be on the watch for the idiot drivers, but I will ride!
When you feel down, think of me and my exploits. I will be riding my cycle and getting rid of my pent up emotions.
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