Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tired of the cold and snow!

Well we are locked in the cold again. I am checking my one water line that froze twice in the thirty years we live here.  I will have to do something to get it not to freeze up. Will move washer and try to insulate it better. Suppose to snow again in two days. I will attack suicide driveway again.  I will do what I have to to keep driveway and circle open. Helping neighbors to dig out makes me feel  good. I am still doing worthwhile work. Feel needed again.

I am glad we are not getting snow like Washington D.C. They got a lot more than us. We already have twice as much snow as all of last year. It is 5:00 in the morning. I just woke up about twenty minutes ago and am rambling. Checked everything, and O K so far. It is about 8 degrees. Where is global warming when we need it.

The cold weather will not last! We will make it till spring. That is the renewal time for all of Mother Nature creatures. I am feeding the birds, and of course the squirrels grabbing their share. I have outside kitty's food and water dish filled up. I check every day water is not frozen. Back porch gets up to about 50 degrees from the sun. Cat is in her bed now, staying warm and out of wind.

Must go and get breakfast, and empty the dishwasher before Mary gets home at 6:00. I am listening to news to see what is happening outside. Will go down driveway to get newspaper. I take my phone along like I said before. I do not take unnecessary dumb chances anymore! Put ice cleats on my shoes too. Suicide driveway tried to eat me once, I will not give it another chance.

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