It is Friday night, the first Friday of 2014. Yesterday and last night we got over eight inches of snow and howling winds. It was really exciting blowing snow last night and early this morning so my wife could navigate suicide driveway again! Between working last night and this morning in the dark with 30 mph gusts, I spent about three hours fighting Mother Nature outside. That was counting the time I spent in the circle cleaning up drifts this afternoon. Don't tell Karen my drill instructor at the rec center I did not go New year's day or today for my workout. I figure the workout I got from blowing and shoveling snow was enough!
Mary is getting ready to leave again for work. It is 8:45 Friday night, and she has off Saturday and Sunday night. She just has to make it through tonight and navigate home in the morning when it is suppose to be below 0 degrees. Hope the wind lets up. This dry powdery snow really blows around. The Penn DOT drivers on the news say it is hard keeping the roads open. Mary will have a hard time missing the people stuck in the road because they don't use their heads, in this kind of weather.
No Mother, we will not give up. We will fight you every bit we can. Mary must get to work. The nurse's duty cannot wait. People need care, and the dedicated people who must be out in times like this are very dedicated. All of them!!
We enclosed the back porch years ago. Three years ago we put bigger windows in, and vinyl siding on the outside. Mary and Rich, our son-in-law, took care of putting the paneling inside. And we put vinyl linoleum on the concrete floor. The three year old grandson has a great play place now. I had installed a cat door about 14 years ago for the one cat out of the litter that we had we could not find a home for, so she lives on the porch. Today in the cold and windy conditions there was a blonde cat visiting. Probably had no place to go, so she or he sought shelter here. Like the people we took in over the years, we help people and animals that need it. I'm large, and take no gruff off anyone. I stick up for people's rights! But today after coming in the house from being frozen outside I noticed the bird feeder was empty so I ran outside and filled it. Don't tell anyone I am really a softy at heart. LOL
I like to help people, that is why I started this blog to let people know how my life has changed. And how we can help you change your life. Give it a chance and see how your life will change for the better. The bad weather will not last, but your life will be the same unless you change what you are doing. It took me a lot of years to find the best way to improve my life. Make your change today for the better. I know you can do it!
Randal Caldwell
Randal Caldwell
From "R.E.D." - the movie - "You're GOOEY inside!" LOL