Every morning I wake up I think how can I improve my station in life today. Just today! Going on sixty six of my living years I have had a lot of days to contemplate on this question, And my answer is I am always thinking how to improve my place in life. I have been doing this as long as I can remember. I will not let anything get in the way of improving myself. I went to night school for the trades I was working in for a lot of years. If I wanted to learn something, I found a way to learn how to do it. I am now learning how to use my MAC computer, and learning how to improve my business so I can make more money from home. I have had to learn how to text, use the internet, and send adds for my business. I have been taught by the best in their field. I will keep learning till I am not breathing anymore. Fear is a four letter word, and I let no fear slow me down. Sometimes I though I will never learn what I want to. But I kept trying till I figured how to teach myself what I wanted to know. I have had a lot of good teachers over the years. I have excellent teachers right now. They have a hard job digging into my hard heat to instill knowledge.
No teacher can teach you anything! You must want to learn it with a burning passion or it will not sink in. I have that passion! Faith is the belief in what you can not see. And I have always saw myself doing what I want too. You need to want whatever you crave for. See it in your mind, and the universe will help you find a way to get it. I wanted to marry a nurse when I was single. I worked on that for four years. We have been married for 42 years now. Have three children, three grandchildren; so far. Mary shares my visions, she can see what she wants, and makes it happen too. Our three kids can see what they want, and make it happen. So can their life partners. Our grandchildren are learning how to make life give them what they want too.
You need to get the same vision in your head too. Only those who see the invisible can do the impossible. You can do the impossible too. The difficult we can do immediately; the impossible will take a little longer. But we will accomplish it if we stick to the task at hand. Be like us, bullheaded, and stick to your task, and it will be done before you know it. Yes I am on my soapbox again, but I want to leave this for my future generations so they can learn the facts it took me so long to put together in my head. I was always head strong, but now I know why. To get what I wanted out of life, and tell others how to accomplish what they deserve out of life as well. Our life is what our thoughts make of it. Make a lot of your life, you only have one in these living years. Make it as good as you can!
This is what I am fighting so hard to improve. Our children are our only future.Let's make their future as good as we can!!
Thank you, Randy"HOSS"Caldwell
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