Yes I am a worry wart! I get it from my Mom. She used to worry till she got physically sick. And growing up with her led me to be a worrier! It is a useless emotion, and is hard on you physically. I am slowly learning not to worry so much. But like all habits it is hard to give up. I could not get hold of Bruce last week on his cell or landline and I worried something happened to him. I told my wife I felt like driving over there to see if he is all right again. She said he is a big boy, and can take care of himself. I know that now, and when he forgets to carry his cell phone I must adjust and realize I cannot get worked up for his safety all the time. It will not help Bruce if I get sick worrying about him! All the things that can go wrong in this world are not the worry of us every day. The LORD watches over the world, and HE does not want me to get sick worrying about every little thing. I feel better when I talk to Bruce every day, but if he is busy I know he will survive without me checking up on him.
Worry is the thing heart attacks are made of. I have survived for almost sixty six years and I will survive a lot more if I take better care of myself. And Bruce has done the same. If he choses to not follow the Doctors orders, there is nothing I can do about it, but to try to reason with him to listen. I have enough trouble following my Doctors and Mary's orders myself. And Bruce has no Mary to remind him of what he should do. I have told Mary hundreds of times over our 43 years together that I would not be alive now except for her caring and constant telling me what to do! I said before I have little will power, and it has gotten me in trouble numerous times. I try not to sneak a treat when Mary is not around. But they are few and far between now. I realize I want to be here to see my future generations as much as I can. I go to the gym to work out as often as I can. Usually three days a week. And I walk the development when the weather is nice, even though my knee hurts a lot from bending. Not enough yet to get my knee replaced.
I went over to my Daughter's this morning, her Durango would not start. She though the battery was bad. When I got there it started right up. I talked to her about it, and asked if the starter turned over the engine or was silent. She said it made noise turning over but would not start. Then she told me the lights went off while she was driving one night. And sometimes the electric windows don't work right away. I believe the computer is going bad. That can be time consuming and expensive. They just paid it off, and now may be facing an expensive repair bill. I will search the problem on the internet and see if others have the same problem, and can find the cheapest fix. Another job for me. So I must take better care of myself, a lot of people are depending on me right now. I need to be around to get my jobs done. Lord help me to take care of myself and those who depend on me. Help me to be smart enough to fix the problems that confront my thought process. Thank you for helping this messed up world, and help enough people to get involved with the process of straightening out the mess we are making of your wonderful world. Please help us before we screw it up too much!
At least I don't have to worry about the world as long as the LORD is in charge. HE will show us how to save this tired out world so we can pass it on to future generations in good shape. I will have a good scenic route to ride my cycle as long as I can pass my leg up over the seat. And when I can't lift my leg up that high, I probably will get a scooter so I can still feel the wind in my face and see the world from not thru the bars of a metal cage. At least I have the memories of riding many thousand of miles over the years even if I can't ride too long at a time now. The short rides I take now make me feel as good as the long ones I took when I was young and whole. And even had hair on the top of my head! Thank you LORD for this great life YOU have given me. And now you know why I say I am HIS minion. I will continue to do his work as long as I can, as long as I am breathing!
Worry is the thing heart attacks are made of. I have survived for almost sixty six years and I will survive a lot more if I take better care of myself. And Bruce has done the same. If he choses to not follow the Doctors orders, there is nothing I can do about it, but to try to reason with him to listen. I have enough trouble following my Doctors and Mary's orders myself. And Bruce has no Mary to remind him of what he should do. I have told Mary hundreds of times over our 43 years together that I would not be alive now except for her caring and constant telling me what to do! I said before I have little will power, and it has gotten me in trouble numerous times. I try not to sneak a treat when Mary is not around. But they are few and far between now. I realize I want to be here to see my future generations as much as I can. I go to the gym to work out as often as I can. Usually three days a week. And I walk the development when the weather is nice, even though my knee hurts a lot from bending. Not enough yet to get my knee replaced.
I went over to my Daughter's this morning, her Durango would not start. She though the battery was bad. When I got there it started right up. I talked to her about it, and asked if the starter turned over the engine or was silent. She said it made noise turning over but would not start. Then she told me the lights went off while she was driving one night. And sometimes the electric windows don't work right away. I believe the computer is going bad. That can be time consuming and expensive. They just paid it off, and now may be facing an expensive repair bill. I will search the problem on the internet and see if others have the same problem, and can find the cheapest fix. Another job for me. So I must take better care of myself, a lot of people are depending on me right now. I need to be around to get my jobs done. Lord help me to take care of myself and those who depend on me. Help me to be smart enough to fix the problems that confront my thought process. Thank you for helping this messed up world, and help enough people to get involved with the process of straightening out the mess we are making of your wonderful world. Please help us before we screw it up too much!
At least I don't have to worry about the world as long as the LORD is in charge. HE will show us how to save this tired out world so we can pass it on to future generations in good shape. I will have a good scenic route to ride my cycle as long as I can pass my leg up over the seat. And when I can't lift my leg up that high, I probably will get a scooter so I can still feel the wind in my face and see the world from not thru the bars of a metal cage. At least I have the memories of riding many thousand of miles over the years even if I can't ride too long at a time now. The short rides I take now make me feel as good as the long ones I took when I was young and whole. And even had hair on the top of my head! Thank you LORD for this great life YOU have given me. And now you know why I say I am HIS minion. I will continue to do his work as long as I can, as long as I am breathing!
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