I called him back and said I would be right over. He has no one else to count on. I picked him up and we went to Lancaster to hospital he was in for his stroke several weeks ago. I thought it better to go where all his info would be. I sat around for over three hours and they finally said he would be out in about ten minutes. As he walked out the hall to the waiting room I yelled at him, you were gone so long I went home for the cycle, and we can stop for a couple beers on the way home. The one nurse chimed, count me in, I get off soon! Everybody is a comic like me. Bruce said, that sounds good to me. I try to find the humor in everything, and I usually do.
When the nurse called Bruce said his blood sugar was at 451. It is usually around 180, no wonder the nurse was alarmed. After three hours of an IV his blood sugar was down to 241. Bruce said he was hungry, so we stopped in Arbys near his place and he bought me a junior roast beef sandwich. On the way to the hospital he kept saying I'm sorry to bother you, I told him he can buy me breakfast saturday. It seemed to make him feel better. He worries a lot, and that can affect his blood sugar. I told him I used to worry till I got sick. I took a bio-feedback course 30 years ago to relax and it helped. What really helped me was getting on bi-polar medicine Like I told you before. It changed my life totally. Bruce must learn to settle down and accept what is going to happen. You can always make it better when you are not exited. That is easy to say, but hard to do.
I sent Marcy an e-mail that I was leaving right before our weekly call. She asked how Bruce was and that she would pray for him. Marcy is a really a good person. I have made a lot of good friends this last year since I have been working my business. I hope Bruce gets good enough till summer that we can ride together some more. If he can't ride his bike, I will take him on mine so he gets the feeling again. I told Mary a couple years ago I wanted to go to the drags again and smell nitromethane fuel again before I die. She had Jeff our younger son take me. We had a great time watching and smelling the cars racing. I know Jeff will make a good Pastor. He likes to help people. Just like Tim our older boy works so good with autism kids. We have very caring kids, and their spouses too. Mary and I am very proud of out whole family. I am glad I gave up my business and instead worked on having a family. So many people in business don't have time for their family, and lose them.
You must spend time with your kids, so they learn to be good parents when their time comes. Too many kids grow up now that they have no good parent figure to look up to. They never learn how to interact with other people. They are scared for life. We must help young children to grow up to be good people. The world needs good people to function. I see a lot of good people, and some bad ones. You read about the bad ones in the paper. The good ones you don't hear as much about. Too many people are in trouble with the law. We need to cleanup our act. Doing away with GOD in our lives does not help the problem. It only makes it worse. Well I am on my soapbox again! Maybe if I'm on my soapbox enough it will help most people to stay on the good side of life. Today's action becomes tomorrow's habit, and habits are hard to break!!
I had coffee with Mary tonight while she is getting ready for work. I treasure the times we drink coffee and talk about life and other important things. It being just the two of us now you would think we talk a lot. But with the way she works, she sleeps a lot of the time I am up. And that is why I stay awake a lot when she works so I can see her in the afternoon when she is up. I sleep late in the mornings like she does instead of taking a nap in the afternoon so we are awake together. We do our together shopping afternoons. We try to spend time together, but even now it is hard to spend time together. We have different things going. Like today I was going to be here for supper together, than this thing with Bruce. But that was more important. Health comes first. Everything later. Well I have bent your ear long enough for now. Spend time with your family, and help friends!
Just so you know today is national Peanut butter and jelly day.To honor it, I had a peanut butter and hot pepper jelly sandwich for lunch. I hope you honored our national holiday too!
If you agree or disagree with my views on life, let me know what you think? Thank you! Randal"HOSS"Caldwell
Mother, please remember we want no snow or ice for at least six months. Thank you pretty please!!!!
Mother, please remember we want no snow or ice for at least six months. Thank you pretty please!!!!
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