Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mary is leaving me again!!

Ye,s she is leaving me again. She is going up to see her sister. Since Donald her sisters husband died this winter Mary is going to help her in the garden. Call the police and tell them I am having a wild party again like last time she went up to Shirley's. LOL big time. I will write a page that night, and go to bed early, I hope I can sleep that night. Maybe stuff my face with something I am not supposed to have.

Yes, I am going to be unsupervised again. It does freak me out. I hate being alone. I like to talk, you learned that from my many posts. But Mary needs to spend time with Shirley. I will invite Shirley to come down to our place overnight sometime this summer. She needs to get away from home and all the memories.

She and Donald were together over 55 years. They raised four kids. I miss him, I can't imagine how it is for her. I keep thinking we will go up there, and he will walk in the kitchen and I can kid with him like old times, and we will all laugh. It took a long time to sink in when my dad died, too. When you are used to seeing someone and they are taken suddenly it is hard to fathom.  Mary said when we were at my Mom's after my Dad died she expected to see him come down the steps and smile like he did when he saw the grandkids.

I am at  the age where I check the paper every day to see who I know that died. It seems to be more and more sometimes. I look to make sure I am not listed there. I am going to the gym to work out, and try to eat better, not so much junk. I will start walking around the development again this summer. Yes, I am trying to extend my living years as far as I can. I have too much to live for nowadays. The grandkids that have not been born yet. The grandkids growing up. And Mary and I enjoying the golden years. Yes, life means a lot more to me now than when I was young and single. I should say young and stupid! It is funny when you are a teenager your parents are stupid. But when you hit the early twenties how much smarter they become.

I just hope I can stay smart for a lot of years yet! I don't want to wind up in a lock up place because my mind is going away from me. Us men usually don't last till our mind gives out, which is a good thing I think. Women are the tougher sex. They live longer than us guys. GOD knows most men cannot last without a woman to look after us. I've had a great lookout for me for 42 years so far. I hope I can say that when I reach 60 years of marriage. Well my soap box is feeling like I used it enough tonight. Yes this is not an April Fools Joke either. Just my feelings on life as an old fart sees them! Let me know what you think.

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