Yes Kyler our three year old grandson is here with his 9 year old sister. The 14 year old sister stayed home tonight because she has softball practice tomorrow. I am having trouble with my eyes right now. Don't know if I can keep writing. Need o get to sleep, did not get much rest last night. Going to breakfast with Bruce tomorrow morning at five thirty. He likes to get there early so he can get his favorite table. We are meeting his friends after eight. Yes we will sit there and drink coffee for 2 1/2 hours. He needs to get out with people. He sits home all week now that he can't drive yet. We talk about the old times, and the adventures we had. I hear Mary trying to calm Kyler down so he will sleep. The horrible threes I hope will be over soon. I doubt it thought. He is a handful, I don't see how our daughter puts up with him day and night!
I programed Bruce's new cell phone. Getting him to carry it is another problem. I keep telling him to carry it, even at home in case he has another stroke. But the mind even at 66 pretends it won't happen again. His being alone with no one to check up on him worries me. The visiting nurse comes a couple times a week, and she has my phone number. As long as I don,t hear from her again, I feel better. I know how it is to be recovering and not being allowed to drive. It happened to me too often. But I had Mary to run me around. It is handy having a registered nurse for a companion. She gets on my case when I do not listen to the Doctor. Bruce has no one to keep him straight.
It is ten friday night. I called Bruce earlier to check he is O K. and tell him I can pick him up at five thirty in the morning, Mary is not working and I can use her van. My van has little gas and we can't fill up till she gets paid. We had some extra bills, and money is short again. We will survive, we always do. The LORD has seen fit over the years to see us thru every time we needed extra money. Now is no difference. Bruce is complaining because of all the bills from his problem, and he has not worked for a lot of weeks. He is doing better, but has trouble with balance yet. I have the same problem with my bad knee. It is getting worse. I just hope I can hold out a few more years before I need a knee replacement. We are wearing out, piece by piece. Like Mic Jaeger says, what a drag it is getting old,but it beats dying! Tell me how you view your golden years. You young people will learn in future years. We complain, and doctor for our problems, and do the best we can. We have no choice. Science has not found a way to trade in our bodies for a fresh one yet. Maybe in a couple hundred years?
Kyler when he was a couple years younger, and not so bull headed and didn't yell so much!
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